This series was inspired by the narrative that the body can produce. I had been photographing dancers for a good chunk of my college career and since then I couldn't help but notice how expressive they can be. 
There are many moments in life when finding the right words is easier said than done. Dance allows the body to say everything without the usage of words in precise movements or the movement as a whole. I wanted to be able to make this dauntingly physical enduring sport and time -consuming activity seem effortless free and expressive. 
I decided to keep it in black and white and with a white backdrop to keep the viewers eyes on the dancer, on their form, on this story. I wanted every gesture to stand out, like black ink on a white page. 
In this series, I wanted to capture the meaning of dance. I wanted to be able depict it as an art form with their form and share the story of dance. I wanted to be able capture the silent second of beauty, perfection, and story that dancers strive for through the narrative that is their body


Megan Russell

John Patrick Jandernoa

Alina Puente Oby

Lizzi Wood

Austin Shirley

Mariterese Altosino

Alice Duhon

Kameron Nicole Johnson

Richard R. Peña

Anabelen Rivero

Alix Schillaci

AaLiyah ChrisTina

Nate Pyzik